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So, Who am I?

I am a passionate leader who is dedicated to helping others achieve success. I believe that everyone has unique talents and abilities that can be used to accomplish their goals and dreams, and it is my mission to empower individuals to tap into their full potential.

I am deeply passionate about helping others discover and pursue their passions. I believe that when we are doing work that aligns with our values and interests, we are more fulfilled and motivated to succeed. With my guidance, I help individuals identify their passions, develop a plan of action, and overcome any obstacles that may stand in their way.

My Story

After many years as the top-performing Account Executive, I found my passion for helping founders create scaleable and repeatable processes and ensuring sales leaders had access to the continuous coaching and development needed to successfully transition from high-performing individual contributor roles. Let’s face it, being a successful sales leader is very different than being a successful sales representative, and the lack of training around this topic is mind-blowing.

I’ve spent the past decade and a half building and scaling multiple high-growth venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) backed B2B SaaS companies across different industries in the US, growing them from $200k to over $100M+ in ARR, and have been part of two successful exits.

These incredible results have been achieved due to a dynamic and data-driven approach to sales leadership and people management. Bringing a unique and customized approach to each organization I serve, I believe firmly that you cannot rely on a one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter approach.

Growing up in Las Vegas, NV (yes, people actually do live there), I moved to Florida in 1998 and have called it “home” since, despite my incessant need to travel.

After a brief stint in radio (which pays no money) I made the transition to sales. I was determined to prove that “sales” was not a dirty word. Throughout my almost 20-year career, I quickly rose from top-performing AE in the medical device space to a 5x executive sales leader in the B2B SaaS space, having taken part in multiple exits.

I'm passionate about culture-driven sales leadership & team development, and enjoy working with founders and sales leaders of all varieties. Throughout my leadership career, I’ve hired over 450 sales professionals and am honored to have internally promoted 25 individuals and counting.In my free time, I enjoy traveling the world, new culinary experiences (an avid foodie), spending time with my incredible son Zachary and wife Krystal, and our mini Goldendoodle Cooper.

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